More on Non-Physician Physicians

More on Non-Physician Physicians

More on Non-Physician Physicians In November of 2018 CVS purchased Aetna in another giant health care merger. CEO Larry Merlo announced that this would allow CVS pharmacies to provide expanded health care services including “guiding discharged hospital patients...
More on Non-Physician Physicians

On Non-Physician Physicians

On Non-Physician Physicians   In her book The Smartest Kids in the World, Amanda Ripley explains how the Finns developed the best educational system in the world according to international testing standards (PISA testing). About 25 years ago Finland gave up on a...
On Insulin Pricing

On Insulin Pricing

On Insulin Pricing When President George W. Bush moved to include drug coverage benefits for Medicare patients he had to secure the support of Big Pharma. The drug companies demanded and obtained two important concessions: (1) Americans may not purchase their...
On DCP and the Law

On DCP and the Law

On DCP and the Law There are now close to 1000 direct primary care (DPC) family medicine practices across the country, yet in most states the legal status of DPC remains murky. In 22 states laws have been passed that say that DPC is not insurance and not subject to...
How Do Doctors Get Paid?

How Do Doctors Get Paid?

How Do Doctors Get Paid? The following was taken from an article written by Dr. Megan Lewis with the above title. This is what happens when doctors become coders for the apparatchiks of Medicare and the insurance companies. Imagine going to your favorite restaurant....
On Medical Reversal

On Medical Reversal

On Medical Reversal There is an old joke in medicine that goes: on graduation day the dean of the medical school tells the new doctors that half of what they learned will turn out to be wrong – we just don’t know which half. Unfortunately, it turns out to be more than...