On Diabetes Management

On Diabetes Management

On Diabetes Management In the September issue of Family Practice News the headline reads “Can It Be True: New scientific evidence doesn’t support tight glycemic control.” Actually the evidence is not new, but studies show that it can take up to 17 years for an obvious...
On Healthy Societies

On Healthy Societies

On Healthy Societies The nations that lead the world in health outcomes are not the ones that spend the most money. The U.S. now spends over 18% of its GDP on healthcare, but countries like Japan, Sweden and Switzerland spend about half as much and get better results....
More on Screening

More on Screening

More on Screening As with PSA screening, neither screening for breast cancer nor screening for colon cancer has been shown to reduce overall mortality; and both programs are hugely expensive. Yes, screening for breast cancer reduces breast cancer mortality because it...
More on Screening

On PSA Screening

On PSA Screening Recently the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force has recommended against screening for prostate cancer with the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood test.The reason is that though the PSA has been shown to reduce prostate cancer mortality, it has...
On Statin Medications

On Statin Medications

On Statin Medications [The opinions expressed in this column are those of Dr. Gallo and may not reflect the thinking of other providers in WFMA.]The use of statins in heart disease, and to control cholesterol, is a very controversial topic both in the medical and lay...